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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Don't Let Your Legacy Get Washed Away. BE EPIC!

Anytime we go to the beach on vacation, I love to wake-up early and run on the sand along side the crashing waves. There is something very therapeutic about running on the beach that clears the mind and arouses the senses. As I was running the first morning of vacation, I happened to look down and notice the footprints others had left while either walking or running the same path as I. Some of the footprints were very bold and obvious, while others were starting to fade away due to the water erosion. Life is very much like footprints in the sand. We get such little time to leave an IMPACT on those we SERVE before we are taken out to sea forever. Some footprints last longer than others but none last forever. Don't we want to make sure that before that time comes, we are doing everything as educators, administrators, students, and parents to not have our footprints forgotten? 

Mackelmore in his song "Glorious" drives this point home very well. "I heard you die twice, once when they bury you in the grave and the second time is the last time that somebody mentions your name. So when I leave here on this earth, did I take more than I gave? Did I look out for the people or did I do it all for fame?"

As we begin a new school year, here are THREE things to focus on so you can BE EPIC this year and make sure your legacy lives on long after the tide has set-in!

1. BE IMPECCABLE WITH YOUR WORD: Words have POWER. They can make someones day or break someones will. Always choose to be impeccable with your words and attitude. We remember those in life who were encouraging, supportive, positive, energetic, giving, and thoughtful. 

2. GROW AN INCH EACH DAY: It's impossible to climb Mt. Everest in a day. The mountain is to be mastered and conquered with time as is life. Grow and be your best everyday. Even if it is reading an a new article learning something new, trying a new hobby, meditating, or having dinner with someone that makes us better. The inches add up to the miles at the end of life. We only regret the things we didn't do at the end. 

3. SERVE FIRST, SELF SECOND: When we look at our life and jobs as a place to serve and enrich others, life becomes more fulfilling and we become happier. Look for ways each day to serve and help others and your legacy will last many moons. 

I am wishing all educators, students, administrators, and parents an EPIC school year. BE BOLD. TRY NEW THINGS. BE KIND. GROW. LEAVE LASTING FOOTPRINTS! 

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