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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

7 UNIQUE Ways To Begin Class

The first few minutes of class is the PRIMER that sets the stage for how the rest of the period goes! It is the TIME that a teacher has to bring students IN and HOOK them. When students transition from period to period, a lot happens between those minutes before they enter your classroom. Instead of jumping right into your material, give students an opportunity to get into the "learning mindset" you want them to be in for your lesson. I have found that when I take time to do these quick activities before I dive into the content, I am able to create a better sense of community and build stronger relationships with students. Also, you have given their brains a chance to transition from their last class or relationship drama in the hallway!

1. Jokes: Laughter calms and brings us all together. There are thousands of free short-clean jokes on the internet. CLICK HERE for tons of quick and easy to use jokes!

2. Fun Facts: No matter what content you teach, there is always something fascinating and unique to share with students. Here are some fun ones! 50 AWESOME facts about everything!

3. Storytelling: What did we use to learn before PowerPoints and Prezi's? STORYTELLING! How often do you open with a compelling story the relates to life or your content? CHALLENGE: Pick a lesson you are teaching this week or next and write down how you can OPEN with a story instead of saying, "OK class, today we are learning about XYZ."

4. Brainteasers/Puzzles: In order to keep the mind sharp, it needs challenged from time to time. Using brainteasers or puzzles on the board before class gives students a chance to get the "thinking motor" cranked up! CLICK HERE for my favorite site to get brainteasers and puzzles.

5. News: Powerful learning happens when we bring the real-world into our classrooms and lessons. As a business teacher, I try to share interesting stories and videos where applicable. It often opens up some awesome debates and discusions. Some of my favorite sites are Flocabulary for the weekly rap news recap, Mashable for technology and business news, and Twitter for trending stories!

6. Meditation: The mind is constantly going 24/7. Students are as stressed out as ever because they are constantly connected. Why not use apps like CALM OR HEADSPACE for 2-3 minutes to let them practice breathing, scanning their bodies, and relaxing the mind? IT WORKS and we need to be teaching students these coping and calming skills so they can better perform in school and life!

7.  Soft Skills: Get students up and interacting right off the bat! Put up wacky questions on the board like "If you could be a superhero for a day, who woud you be?" OR "If you won a million dollars, what would do with it?" Let them talk and discuss unique ideas. Lastly, practicing handshakes, eye-contact, and non-verbal skills are so important in an ever changing digital-world. 

Please comment below and let me know your thoughts on the 7 UNIQUE ways to start class with your students. Be bold. Be unique!


  1. As far as soft skills go, I always insist my students say good morning or good afternoon to, not just me, but the entire class when they enter the room. I model all of this by making sure that whether I'm the first person in the class or I come in after they've already seated, that I say good morning to the entire class and, if I forget, I always apologize and say, "I'm so sorry I forgot to say good morning to you all this morning before I got all into the business so good morning!" And when a student comes in late and we're already all seated, I remind him that whenever you are the last person to enter a room that's already occupied, it is your responsibility to say good morning to the entire room! And that usually annoys them at first but then they realize where I'm going with it and they catch on after a while!

    1. Couldn't agree more! WE set the tone the moment the student sees us! Thanks!

  2. There are some good ideas here, thank you!

  3. Highly impressed with the ideas expressed here. They will add up to my Life Skills Education classes for my Lower Basic learners.
    Thank you.

  4. The way we start the class sets the tone for the entire lesson. Those are some great ideas, thanks.
