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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Midway Teachers: Get Energized to Finish Strong!

Congratulations TEACHERS! You have made it through the first half of the 2013-2014 school year. Hopefully you had a lot of fun, grew as a person, and felt like you made a difference! As we reach this midway point, it can be tough to be as motivated as you were back in August to give your best for your students everyday. Sometimes you feel tired, unmotivated, feel in a rut, run out of creativity, etc. It happens to even the best! I wanted to share some ideas with you that will hopefully provide that motivation and energy to finish the year stronger than you started it. Below is a list things you can do right now to ENERGIZE your thoughts and CREATIVITY for the rest of the school year. Please feel free to add more and always remember why you teach and why you went into the profession. Your students will not remember what you taught them, but they will forever remember how you made them feel...
  1. Take a period or two to observe other teachers in your building. I know time is precious as a teacher but it is refreshing to see what others are doing. Who knows, you may have some fun and learn something new you could use in your classroom? It doesn't matter if you have been teaching for 5 years or 20, you can always learn a new trick! 
  2. Do something fun with the people you work with. As a teacher, especially in a larger district, it is hard to get out and really build relationships with other teachers. Get people together for a dinner one night, ask people to do a Mudd Run, take a trip somewhere. It is relaxing and enjoyable to do something fun with other people you work with! If not the people you work with, join an organization and meet new people that you can build a positive network around.
  3. Join Twitter and get involved in a Twitter Chat for educators. Each week, there are over 100 different education chats happening on Twitter where professionals talk and discuss all topics in education. CLICK HERE for a list of all the chats, dates, and times. I am amazed at all the wonderful ideas that are shared and relationships that can be built!
  4. Go to a conference OR take a class. As you read this, I am sure some of you are yelling at me. Conferences are a great way to meet new people, network, and learn. I am very much looking forward to presenting and attending the PETE & C conference in Hershey, PA in February. Secondly, taking classes can be tedious due to the amount of time we have in a day, but continuing to learn new things is rewarding. It inspires us to get better! Taking a class doesn't just have to be education related; it can be cooking, fitness, learning how to do something new, etc.
  5. READ!!! It is easy to come home after work, eat dinner, and plop down on the couch and watch TV. The most successful people in this world read everyday. Feed your brain. It is just as important as taking care of your body. You are what you think and put into your mind! CLICK HERE for a list of the best education books to read. 
  6. Call your students parents with positive phone calls. How many of us actually do this? Parents love it and you will feel good about doing it. I challenge you to call five parents a week with a positive phone call. It will make you feel great about what you do.
  7.  EXERCISE!!! If you aren't exercising at least a 3-5 times a week, you are doing your students a disservice. That sounds unfair but the more you exercise, the more energy and creativity you will have to give to them and your family. I am not going to tell you what to do or how to do it, but as Nike's slogan states, "JUST DO IT."
Thank you for all you do. Teaching is a hard job but a job where you get to impact lives everyday. It is all in your attitude and outlook! Get better everyday and never rest until your good is better and your better is best...

-Rob Donatelli

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