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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Planning for Growth & Gratitude During Coronavirus

Since March of 2020 in the United States, many lives and routines have been flipped upside down due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our new normal is anything but normal. People have been getting sick with the virus as it spreads across our country and world, businesses have been shutting down with people losing jobs, kids are missing out on sports seasons and friendships, and parents are now having to confront the reality that schools and daycares are closed until who knows when. Parents who are still lucky enough to be working from the safety of their homes are also having to figure out how to be a full time online productive worker while serving as teacher to their kids at home!

Now, maybe more than ever is a time for self-reflection, growth, and to focus on what is really important in life. As William Ernest said in his poem Invictus, "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." OWN each day and use this time of uncertainty to grow in various areas. The inches we do consistently well each day add up to the miles later in life! Don't expect things to happen or change without a PLAN! 

On Sundays, I take 30 minutes to plan out my week in my journal reflecting on how I want to grow, lead, focus on gratitude, and reflect on what I need to accomplish. There are a lot of different approaches to doing this from other experts but this is what works for me and I wanted to share it with you. If you like it, GREAT, DOWNLOAD THE FREE WEEKLY PLANNING FORM and use it as you see fit. If not, I still encourage you to find ways to grow and reflect during this challenging time.

If you do use the planner, let me know in the comments how it went for you after the first week. Together, we are stronger for those we serve. Stay positive and remember that each day "we have the POWER to control our attitudes, effort, and actions!" - Jon Gordon 


  1. Open the weekly planner link and MAKE A COPY of the Google Doc.
  2. Set the date for the week you want to complete it for. 
  3. It is broken down into three sections:
    • What things am I doing to grow and change this week? 
    • What am I looking forward to this week and grateful for?
    • What do I need to accomplish this week? 
  4. See my examples to get you started. Delete and make your own
  5. At the end of the week, reflect on your growth and positives. Also, note anything that you learned or want to change for next week. 
  6. REPEAT and have fun!

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