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Monday, December 29, 2014

Five Things We Need To STOP Doing In 2015

As a new year approaches, many of us will think about goals we want to accomplish, things we want to improve, and how to be better than last year. As I reflect on 2014, I believe there are five essential things we can do as humans in 2015 to make our world and country a better place for ourselves and others.

1. Stop wasting so much time on your phone: Sometimes I think back to a time when man existed in nature, had to explore to find new things, hunt to eat, told stories for entertainment. Now, we sit on our phones and play games, text, tweet, etc. We check it every minute to see what notification we will get next. It is as addicting to some as heroin and nicotine. So much of our humanity continues to get sucked from us every time we waste hours on our devices. I am not saying they are all bad because I enjoy my technology to communicate and learn, but limit it. Read a book before bed. Put it away during dinner. Enjoy a nice walk without it strapped to your hand. Have a deep conversation with someone. Are you a slave to your own device?

VIDEO: Live life the real way and look up!

2. Stop the racism, hate, and killing in our country: History is for us to learn from and we haven't learned very well. Currently in America, we are almost at a civil war with each other over race once again. We are acting like we did 50 years ago and it is leading to nothing but anger, hate, and killing. What makes America great is that all races; White, Black, Latino, Jews, Muslim, Indians, can live freely amongst each other and have the same opportunity to succeed. We need to stop pointing fingers and come together as a country and support each other. Follow the laws put in place, do your part, and treat each others fairly and with respect and things will work out well for all!

SONG & VIDEO: This land is your land & my land

3. Stop thinking about yourself so much: Yes, you are priority number one but happiness doesn't come from thinking about yourself all the time. Much of happiness is derived from helping others and giving back. Go volunteer this year. Spend more time with your family. Tutor. Life is fragile and you never know what someone is going through. When you ask how someone is doing, genuinely  mean it and listen. Call an old friend you haven't talked to in a while. Notice the world around you and help it!

VIDEO: Caring for each other

4. Stop being complacent: This year, I believe I fell victim to a disease called "complacency". I am now married, have a house, and have a terrific job. All things I worked very hard to get. But now that I have them, I find it easy to be satisfied in life. We need to stop being satisfied with where we are and continue to grow and improve ourselves! Wherever you are in life, learn a new skill, practice your networking/speaking skills, work on a new hobby, and aspire to be more! This year, I plan to stop wasting time on non-essential things and work harder on me and my relationships.

VIDEO: How costly is complacency inspiration speech by Coach Sean Payton

5. Stop making excuses why you can't change things: We fear change and many of us hate it. We make excuses all the time why we can't workout, why we can't find time to read, why we can't eat better or go to church more. Whatever it is in 2015 you want to accomplish, STOP making excuses and write your goals down. Start with one small thing you want to work on and change. It takes at least 30 days for a new habit to stick. Track your progress through a journal. Whatever it is you want to accomplish in 2015, the mind and body can achieve!



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