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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We want it, but do we think and believe it…

We all have a wide array of personal and professional wants. For example: winning a championship, getting our dream job, kicking a bad habit, getting into college, making more money, having great friends and relationships, etc. Yes, we want them but do we do what it takes to get them? Think about the last big thing in your life that you wanted to achieve or you set a goal to accomplish. Did you achieve it? Many times we unfortunately don’t achieve these goals for two reasons: Thinking and believing.

The difference between the people who achieve their goals and get what they want and the ones that don’t is they possess something extremely powerful in mental discipline. What separates them from the other 90% is they continually train their mind to think and believe. If they don’t have that dream job yet, they tell themselves twenty times a day that they will get it by doing XYZ. They train themselves to think positively and never waiver on hard work, dedication, attitude, and giving. 

So if you have something you want in life, don’t just want it, think it and believe it everyday. The mind is the most powerful muscle in the body. If you train it to think success and greatness, it will achieve it. Your mind is what you feed it, so please feed it the healthy food and not the junk and you will be amazed at the heights you can reach!


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