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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Facebook Etiquette: Plase Raed Cafurly

It is no secret that we on average spend one to two hours daily on Facebook checking statuses, chatting, viewing pictures/video, and commenting/liking other people’s posts. I, like many of you, enjoy using Facebook to keep up on friends and family. Lately though, I have noticed some  disturbing trends that I personally feel people that use Facebook need to be aware of and think about. Some of these things just bug me and I need to get them off my chest. 

1.       When posting a status update or comment, please check your grammar unless you are trying to make an error on purpose. People don’t realize that others will judge you on something as simple as your grammar. Check before you post.
2.       Please DO NOT post an update everyday that you went to work then came home ate dinner and went to bed.  Personally I don’t care and many others don’t either. Try and make yourself a person of value and post meaningful, thought provoking posts or quotes, links, movies, etc. I am not saying it is bad every once in a while to say, “Excited to see Harry Potter tonight,” but don’t bore the rest of us with your monotony.
3.       In my opinion, over 70% of the status updates I see are negative such as, “I hate school,” “my life sucks,” “I hate my job,” “This isn’t right,” etc. People please,  understand that others aren’t sympathetic with you, most are glad you have problems. The more you tell yourself things suck, the more they do. The more you give yourself positive self talk and have a bright outlook on things, the more vibrant the world seems.
4.       Lastly, it is amazing how much time we waste on social networks. I had a teacher in high school who taught me a lot about maximizing our time. Many of you like me have very busy schedules with a lot to get done. Instead of checking Facebook, Twitter, email every fifteen minutes, use that extra time to get your paper done or take time to read a book or article.

If you have a comment  and want to share your opinion, I would love to hear your thoughts. As always, thanks for reading RD’s Readz!



  1. I read a similar article just the other day.

  2. You must be super hyped about this social networking thing. My goodness! :P

  3. i haven't checked your blog lately. i do like this post.

    bad grammar is a pet peeve of mine. i don't mind people using abbreviations or not capitalizing, but when there is an auto-correct, there isn't much of an excuse for mistypes

    i think the majority of people who post a negative status do so for sympathy and attention.
