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Saturday, November 10, 2018

3 Simple Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness Into Your Classroom

Mindfulness is defined as a "mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique." 

Today, students are as distracted as they have ever been by their technology, cell phones, and social media. It is hard for them to be aware of how they are feeling and their environment because they rarely take time to stop, breathe, and be happy without having to check or do something. When we as humans are aware of our senses and how we feel, we are more productive and are able to better deal with stress and anxiety. 

Here are three simple ways to incorporate mindfulness into your classroom this school year to give students a break and get refocused. 
  • Finger Breathing: You trace the five fingers of one hand with the index finger of the other. The in breathe goes up the side of the finger and the out breathe goes down. Do all five then reverse directions. 
  • 3 Deep Breaths: This is a great way to reset in the middle of the day.  It is also a great way to realize how shallow you had been breathing and where you were carrying tension and anxiety. Breathe in slowly for 3 seconds, hold, and release for 3 seconds. 
  • 5 Sense Check-in: Look at something new in the room you are in and then listen intently for sounds. What sensations does your skin and body feel? Breathe deep through your nose. Are there any scents? Are there any tastes in the mouth? This is a great way to pause and re-center your attention in the present moment. 
If you or your students are having a hard time dealing with emotions, stress, anxiety, etc. I encourage you to check-out the apps Calm and Headspace. They are free and very helpful with teaching the basics of mindfulness. 


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