After the holidays, it seems the only thing many of us can think about is the spring and summer months. All the cheerful fun is over and winter sucks the life out of everyone right? You can’t do anything because it’s cold and the days are short so why do anything at all?
If you allow yourself to think like this, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to get smarter, stronger, and wiser. January is the time of the year to recharge and prepare for a new beginning in March. It is time to prepare your mind and body for the successes they are going to have this year.
Yes, you can’t go to the beach or play many sports outside, but you can improve yourself so when the flowers and trees blossom, you can shine and stand out with them. So, how do you get the most out of the winter months? Here are some simple tips I learned from a greater leader and speaker, Jim Rohn. Don’t look back and wish you could have done things differently because all you are guaranteed is now!
- Read everything you can and start your own library. It doesn’t matter what you have to do to get the books. Whether you go and rent them from the library or borrow them from someone, start by learning something new that will make you more valuable. Remember, companies pay employees based on how valuable they are. Are you doing what it takes to be more valuable this year?
- Work harder on yourself than you do your job. Trust me, it sounds difficult but if you work harder on improving every aspect of yourself, you will become more valuable than you ever imagined. Read, network, learn, grow, write, reflect!
- Want to get more out of life? Come up with your own personal philosophy on how you want to live and become successful. Many of us want success, but we never put it down on paper what we believe success is and how to get there.
- Start a personal journal. Never trust your mind to remember everything because it will fail you 100% of the time. Everywhere you go, everyone you meet, take notes. You will be amazed how much you can learn not only about others but yourself and the world.
- Lastly, take time every night to reflect for five minutes. What was good, what wasn’t? How can I improve tomorrow? Am I staying true to my goals and plan for success? Self-reflection is one of the most powerful ways a person can grow and become more valuable to everyone around them.

Winter is upon us and the time is now to take action. Don’t wait until the spring to improve yourself and become more valuable. Start building that library, taking notes, and reflecting so you can become smarter, stronger, and wiser!